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Quintal Pub: Digital Marketing Management

More than ever, your company’s communication can make you closer or further away from your customer. Digital Marketing Management will take care of all your communication, from branding to marketing actions. With market studies and data analysis, we find opportunities, create strategies, run campaigns, and always work hard to achieve the goals and challenges!


Client: Quintal Pub, Brazil

Goal: Management of Company Communication, including Social Media, strategies, and others. Creating arts and texts to publicize the company, its services, and its values

Project Start: 2021

Project Links: Facebook, Instagram, Google Meu Negócio

Lawyer Laura Teixeira

More than ever, your company’s communication can make you closer or further away from your customer. Digital Marketing Management will take care of all your communication, from branding to marketing actions. With market studies and data analysis, we find opportunities, create strategies, run campaigns, and always work hard to achieve the goals and challenges!


Client: Laura Teixera Law Firm, Brazil

Goal: Management of Company Communication, including Social Media, printed materials, and others. Creating arts and texts to publicize the company, its services, and its values

Project Start: 2021

Project Links: Site, Facebook, Instagram, Google My Business

Fisio Sport: Gerenciamento de Redes Sociais

Aproximando mais do que nunca as empresas e o consumidores, um clique de distância na verdade, a sua presença online é mais importante do que nunca. Um bom planejamento e estratégia irão te dar a devida credibilidade, uma interação pessoal e um conteúdo criativo vão te destacar do mercado e te ajudar à alcançar seus objetivos e impulsionar seus resultados.


Cliente: Fisio Sport

Objetivo: Gerenciamento do Facebook, aplicando a identidade da empresa a comunicação online e criando artes e textos de divulgação da empresa, seus serviços e seus valores

Finalização do Projeto: 2016

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