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Quintal Pub: Digital Marketing Management

More than ever, your company’s communication can make you closer or further away from your customer. Digital Marketing Management will take care of all your communication, from branding to marketing actions. With market studies and data analysis, we find opportunities, create strategies, run campaigns, and always work hard to achieve the goals and challenges!


Client: Quintal Pub, Brazil

Goal: Management of Company Communication, including Social Media, strategies, and others. Creating arts and texts to publicize the company, its services, and its values

Project Start: 2021

Project Links: Facebook, Instagram, Google Meu Negócio

Promotional Video

Digital advertising is one of the most efficient ways of advertising today, but in the midst of great visual pollution, standing out in art with quality audiovisual is what can make the difference for your brand. From animations to video editing, we develop arts to strengthen your brand and represent your values.


Client: C.Gaya Engenharia & Construção (Brazil)

Goal: Create a promotional video to present the company

Media: Youtube, Website, Social Media

Project from: 2021

Check it out the video:

Lawyer Laura Teixeira

More than ever, your company’s communication can make you closer or further away from your customer. Digital Marketing Management will take care of all your communication, from branding to marketing actions. With market studies and data analysis, we find opportunities, create strategies, run campaigns, and always work hard to achieve the goals and challenges!


Client: Laura Teixera Law Firm, Brazil

Goal: Management of Company Communication, including Social Media, printed materials, and others. Creating arts and texts to publicize the company, its services, and its values

Project Start: 2021

Project Links: Site, Facebook, Instagram, Google My Business

Tour en Marruecos: Site (Morocco)

Working as a “virtual showcase”, website development has a bigger goal than just displaying information to the user. It increases internet visibility, credibility, and professionalism. In addition to assisting in sales and customer relationships.


Client: Tour en Marruecos

Goal: Institutional website with information on tours and services

Project from: 2017

More materials:

SG Morocco Tours: Website (Morocco)

Working as a “virtual showcase”, website development has a bigger goal than just displaying information to the user. It increases internet visibility, credibility, and professionalism. In addition to assisting in sales and customer relationships.


Client: SG Morocco Tours

Goal: Institutional website with information on tours and services

Project from: 2017

Casa Nova: E-mail marketing

Sendo uma ferramenta digital amplamente usada, o e-mail marketing pode representar um aumento de vendas significante. Saber fazer um layout personalizado, amigável e leve ajuda a sua empresa a ficar longe da caixa de Spam


Cliente: Casa Nova

Objetivo: Arte para divulgar promoção nos serviços

Veículos: E-mail marketing

Finalização do Projeto: 2017

Tais Vasconcelos: Banner Institucional

A publicidade digital é uma das formas mais diretas de se falar com o seu consumidor atualmente, e também a mais usada. Nosso objetivo é criar artes que se destaquem e captem a atenção do internauta.


Cliente: Tais Vasconcelos

Objetivo: Arte para divulgar a empresa

Veículos: Whatsapp e Facebook

Finalização do Projeto: 2016

Essence: Banner Promocional

A publicidade digital é uma das formas mais diretas de se falar com o seu consumidor atualmente, e também a mais usada. Nosso objetivo é criar artes que se destaquem e captem a atenção do internauta.


Cliente: Essence Dermo & Estética

Objetivo: Arte para divulgar a promoção de depilação da empresa

Finalização do Projeto: 2014

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