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Arquivo de categoria LR Obras

LR Obras: Outdoor

Composed of illustrations and text, a Flyer is a graphic material that can be used with different proposals and objectives. It is very important that it is attractive and clear so that the information is clear and the target reached.


Client: LR Obras – Engenharia & Construção

Goal: Promotional Art to advertise construction and engineering services

Goal: Display in front of the company’s construction

Project Conclusion: 2020

LR Obras: Mídia Online

Digital advertising is one of the most efficient ways of advertising today, but in the midst of great visual pollution, standing out in art with quality audiovisual is what can make the difference for your brand. From animations to video editing, we develop arts that aim to strengthen your brand and represent your values.


Client: LR Obras Engenharia & Construção

Goal: Video editing to present the services of a construction company

Media: Elemidia, site, youtube

Project from: 2019

Check it out the video:

LR Obras: Site (Brazil)

Working as a “virtual showcase”, website development has a bigger goal than just displaying information to the user. It increases internet visibility, credibility, and professionalism. In addition to assisting in sales and customer relationships.


Client: LR Obras Engenharia

Goal: Institutional website with information on engineering and construction services

Project from: 2019

Website Link: Click here

LR Obras: Logo

As the maximum representation of a company, the logo is responsible for the identification and association image of the consumer in relation to its brand.


Client: LR Obras, Brazil

Goal: Creating a logo for an engineering and construction company

Projetc from: 2019

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