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Author Archive by artworkcreativity

Eric Gaya: Business Card

Dentro dos itens de Identidade Visual, o cartão de visitas, além de divulgar o seu contato, mostra a imagem profissional da sua empresa.


Cliente: Eric Chueire Gaya

Objetivo: Criação da arte para Cartão de Visitas para engenheiro

Finalização do Projeto: 2013

Auto car Access: Visual Identity Itens

Aiming to keep excellent communication through the identity of your brand, the visual identity package seeks to give credibility and professionalism to your company. In addition to having the power to define its positioning in the market and the relationship that the consumer expects from it.


Client: Auto TAG

Goal: Creation of the Car Stickers Arts, Uniforms and Business Cards

Project from: 2013

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RAC Educa: E-mail marketing

Sendo uma ferramenta digital amplamente usada, o e-mail marketing pode representar um aumento de vendas significante. Saber fazer um layout personalizado, amigável e leve ajuda a sua empresa a ficar longe da caixa de Spam


Cliente: Grupo RAC, RAC Educa

Objetivo: Arte para divulgar os cursos do canal RAC Educa

Finalização do Projeto: 2013 Optimal Edition (Brazil)

Working as a “virtual showcase”, website development has a bigger goal than just displaying information to the user and giving an emphasis to a subject. It increases internet visibility, credibility, and professionalism. In addition to assisting in sales and customer relationships.


Client: Grupo RAC

Goal: Informative hotsite about the new advertising formats of a special edition of the website

Project from: 2013

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