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Arquivo de categoria C.Gaya | Engenharia e Construção

Promotional Video

Digital advertising is one of the most efficient ways of advertising today, but in the midst of great visual pollution, standing out in art with quality audiovisual is what can make the difference for your brand. From animations to video editing, we develop arts to strengthen your brand and represent your values.


Client: C.Gaya Engenharia & Construção (Brazil)

Goal: Create a promotional video to present the company

Media: Youtube, Website, Social Media

Project from: 2021

Check it out the video:

Institutional Video

Digital advertising is one of the most efficient ways of advertising today, but in the midst of great visual pollution, standing out in art with quality audiovisual is what can make the difference for your brand. From animations to video editing, we develop arts to strengthen your brand and represent your values.


Client: C.Gaya Engenharia & Construção (Brazil)

Goal: Create an educational video to advertise the management system of the company

Media: Youtube, Website, Social Media

Project from: 2021

Check it out the video:

C.Gaya Engenharia: Presentation

Aiming to achieve excellent communication and branding. The presentation must present credibility with identity, and always be associated with the quality of its products and services, and the professionalism of its team.


Client: C.Gaya Engenharia & Construção (Brazil)

Goal: Presentation for the engineering company

Project from: 2021

Project link: Click here

C.Gaya | Engenharia e Construção: Car Sticker

Aiming to keep excellent communication through the identity of your brand, the visual identity package seeks to give credibility and professionalism to your company. In addition to having the power to define its positioning in the market and the relationship that the consumer expects from it.


Client: C.Gaya | Engenharia e Construção (Brazil)

Goal: Creation of the Car Stickers Arts

Project from: 2020

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